News and Events

Vancouver, British Columbia visit on August 14th and 15th, 2012 We visited Worldwide Luk Tung Kuen exercise group in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Luk Tung Kuen Association of Canada was founded 20 years ago and is credited with building a strong relationship amongst the many groups. Shown here are two groups - Oakridge Mall and Queen Elizabeth Park.

加拿大世界六通拳總會在溫哥華成立二十年來,拳友每一日風、雨、雪不改齊齊一起 相聚練拳。每早練習分兩場地進行,一組在渥列治商場,一組於女皇公園。

2012年8月中旬喜獲美國加州San Mateo師姐Evelyn Ting到訪,在兩個場地一起互相切 磋六通拳,特拍照留記。

(Updated on 08/22/2012)

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