News and Events

Master Ha Kinh celebrated the 21st anniversary of LTK organization in Hong Kong in October 2007.

Master Ha Kinh also traveled with a group of students and instructors to Tung Shan, near GuangChow. Tung-shan district, east of central Canton, is predominantly residential; many government officials and repatriated Chinese live there. Located in the district are the Martyrs Memorial Park, dedicated to those killed in the uprising in 1927 against the Kuomintang (Nationalists) and a mausoleum for 72 people who lost their lives in an unsuccessful revolt against the Ch'ing dynasty in 1911. Many of the city's institutions of higher learning are located in the district.

(Updated on 3/15/2008)

21st Anniversary Celebration - October 2007


Master Ha Kinh in Tung-Shan

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